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Starting up a garden can seem like a daunting task. What should you grow? How do you grow it? When do you harvest it? Don’t worry, we here at EasySoil did some research on the 10 easiest plants to grow. Below are 5 flower varieties and 5 vegetables that are sure to be an easy feat for any beginner (or advanced) gardener!



You know them, you love them. Sunflowers. Believe it or not, these beauties don’t require too much attention and are a perfect option for beginners. They need 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily and thrive best when planted in loose, nutrient rich soil like our PlantZone soil. Make sure to water them just enough so the soil appears moist, but not waterlogged. Once they reach that beautiful bloom, a good weekly watering should be all you need to keep them going!


Garlic is one of the easiest and tastiest crops you can grow. It is recommended that you plant your garlic in the fall to harvest it in the upcoming summer. Shopping locally will ensure you get the right type of garlic for the area you live in. Plant them where they will get a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight. Dig a whole 4 or 5 inches deep per clove, place them with the pointy side up and cover them with soil. You’ll know it’s time to harvest when the leaves closest to the ground start to turn yellow or brown.


These gorgeous purple flowers are related to daisies and grow quickly. Plant them now and they will bloom all the way from mid-summer through the fall. These flowers are great for those who might occasionally forget to water, as they love the sun and are drought resistant. Be sure to only water them frequently if they are newly planted, or the weather conditions are very dry. Other than that, these babies only need a once-a-week watering!

Cherry Tomatoes

A delicious addition to any meal, cherry tomatoes are a relatively fuss-free veggie to grow. You can usually buy cherry tomato plants from your local greenhouse. Make sure they are in a spot where they will get full sunlight. Cherry tomatoes will need their soil to remain consistently moist, so be sure to water them every other day. Keep the soil wet, but not overly soggy. Within 50-65 days you will have a rainbow of red, orange, and yellow tomatoes to harvest and snack on!


Daylilies are usually sold as container-grown plants, which makes the process of transplanting them into your garden a bit easier than just growing a flower from the seed! To transfer these flowers, dig a hold that is twice as wide and just as deep as the plant’s roots. Settle the plant in and fill the surrounding area with soil. Make sure you water them every few days when you first plant them, then they should be good to be watered once or twice a week depending on how hot and dry the weather is.


Much like tomatoes, you can buy zucchini in already established plants. Be sure when you bring your zucchini home you place it where it will get full direct sunlight. Zucchini needs a bit more attention when it comes to watering, make sure to give them a good watering every week. Zucchini is quick growing and will continue to grow if you leave it on the plant. So, pick them frequently!


As the weather is heating up, this is the perfect time to plant marigolds. Water your soil a bit first before placing the seeds 1 inch apart and no more than 1 inch deep. Make sure your soil partially dries before watering again and watch these quick sprouting buds bloom beautifully all throughout the summer!


You can grow onions from seeds… but this is tricky especially for beginners, so, we recommend purchasing bulbs or “onion sets”. Plant them 3-4 inches apart, with the papery tip pointing upwards. Be sure to water them once a week, or more depending on the weather. When the tops start to die and tip over, that is when you know it’s time to harvest! You can usually see the onion starting to show at the top of the soil. Growing your own onions is sure to save some bucks from buying them in the grocery stores!


Lavender, while lavish in its smell, is surprisingly easy to grow. Especially when purchased as a container-grown plant. They are extremely drought tolerant, so forgetting a watering or two won’t hurt them! Transferring lavender is like transferring daylilies, make sure to dig a decent sized hole, gently place your plant and its roots in, and cover with soil. Once transferred, keep up with regular watering until the plant has gotten used to its new home.

Salad Greens

Lettuce is very quick growing, so if you are one that wants to see the fruits of your hard labor quickly, this is for you. It doesn’t require much space at all, you need to sow the seeds ¼ inch deep. There are an incredible number of varieties, so choose which one is best for you and your taste. You can choose to harvest lettuce when it is young, or let it grow to be large and leafy. The only tricky part with lettuce is making sure it has continuously moist soil. If the soil is continuously moist, your lettuce will be tender and succulent!


There you have it! Ten of the easiest plants for beginners. We hope this helps you establish what plants you would like to start your gardening journey with! Allow EasySoil to help with the most important part of gardening: your soil and mulches. We can deliver our premium products right to your door in 1-yard totes, taking the back-breaking work out of picking up the soil yourself.

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