Premium Soil Delivery
Premium Soil Delivery

We are open for the Season!

We deliver to anywhere from Surrey, BC to Hope, BC

How do you get Premium Garden products delivered to your door ? 

Traditionally you would need to pick it up… but you need a truck for that. Or you could have it delivered bulk…. but that can leave a big messy pile on your driveway, and you don’t really know how much you have received.

At EasySoil by Denbow, we have the solution. Our team manufactures our soils and mulches with the highest quality.  It is placed in our 1 yard bags, so you know exactly how much you have received and delivered to your door.  You mark the spot with an X where you would like your bag dropped.  then our team will place the garden bag in the requested spot with our little red forklift. 

No mess for you! 

Now you can take the time to work on your yard at you convenience.

Place and order through our website, email or phone 1-604-200-5160